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5 Ways That Technology Enhances Thanksgiving

Updated: Nov 26, 2021

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Perhaps the worst holiday in terms of cuisine, if you’re asking me. Turkey could not be blander to me. It may as well be the food equivalent to water.

Regardless, I am sure some of you thoroughly enjoy the variety of dishes associated with the prototypical Thanksgiving meal. And I am also sure many a people are excited to gather around family after a potentially long hiatus due to COVID.

The subject of this evening’s blog: 5 Ways Technology Enhances Thanksgiving. Here we go:

1- Group Video Chat: Zoom, FaceTime, Teams. You name it. These video applications have changed the game in so many ways. We have event spoken about many of them here on the blog

Last year, these outlets were HIGHLY utilized to connect with your batshit crazy relatives when you most unfortunately could not gather due to COVID.

This year, while video calling will not be needed as extensively, it still comes in clutch! In an ideal world, all families would come together to be with one another for every holiday. But there are things that happen in life and other obligations (in-laws) that prevent this from occurring. Zoom is there by your side to still share a special moment with those not able to be present.

2- Electric Carving Knife: Use it! I am no expert, but I am sure the technology has only improved over the years. I’d bet quite a lot of money that utilizing the ECK will make the carving process a lot smoother than battling that (tasteless) bird manually.

3- Cyber Monday: Think Black Friday. Just online.

Thank god for this. No longer do you have to stay up into the wee hours of the night downing shots of espresso to pile into a store at 1:00AM alongside hundreds of strange, liquored up, turkey-stuffed humans while potentially sustaining a life-altering injury to obtain that 30% off TV.

4- Group Text & Task Delegation: Nearly everyone has a smartphone these days. That means that the coordination and delegation of Thanksgiving festivities is now easier than ever.

How in the world did these big families do it back in the old days? Seriously. Can you imagine coordinating a Thanksgiving completely by landline, speaking to each one your whacko extended family members one by one? If you are one of the brave warriors who has pulled of a miracle of this nature in the past, props to you. Never underestimate the value of the Group Text.

5- Video Recipes: Those who dabble in the art of the culinary world are always searching for the newest and most innovative recipes. There isn’t anything wrong with flipping through a cookbook and translating that to creating a tasty meal.

But know what’s easier? Learning from world-class chefs at the click of a button. Check AHT New York Times Cooking or do a quick YouTube search on your favorite dishes. You’ll be hooked immediately. That old and incredibly heavy cookbook will be thrown in the trash in no time.

That’s all I have. From myself and (I hope) everyone else at ATSAP, Happy Thanksgiving. Eat a lot, enjoy some frosty beverages. Most importantly, cherish the time spent with your families.


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